I can not begin to tell you how much I LOVE these new shears. As a matter of fact, what got me to thinking about writing this post was the shears laying next to my computer. That's right Rebels, these shears have become my right hand tool.
I purchased them as llama shears. You know, to remove the wool from those fidgety creatures that inhabit my ranch...Well, let me tell you a little about shearing a llama at The Royal Ranch. I don't think it's like shearing at typical wool producers. We have to cut through hay and pine needles and whatever else is hidden inside that wondrous coat. So over the years, I have learned A LOT about shears; and that is that they are truly lacking.
A good pair of Fiskars, which is our next choice since we hand shear will run us around $13-$15 with a coupon, etc. If I sharpen it I may be able to get that one pair through one season of shearing, but sometimes they only last one llama! If you get cheaper scissors, they will wear out your hands (not spring loaded), and big electric shears usually scare the you know what out of rescues so that is out for us.
I do want to give you a bit of background here, just so you know that I am sticking to my Rebel roots. When I first heard of these shears, I was told that you could only get them in one place in the US; and that place is by a llama trainer that I don't particularly like. This woman had rubbed my "animal sense" the wrong way over the years, but when it came down to saving hundreds of dying llamas in MT and all she did was offer reduced price behavior clinics for new owners while the rest of us small farms struggled with the starving...
Well, it made me decide to look a bit further for those shears. And lo and behold I found them on the World Wide Web, funny thing about that...it covers the whole world. Better yet, I got two pairs, direct from the UK (yeah, I know, I'm normally a buy US only, but they just don't have this sort of shear...sigh), for a little more than I would have spent on one pair plus shipping on Ms. Behavior Clinic.com. Man, I hate it when people are buttheads.
But, anyway, these shears came and we have just been shearing our butts off. Well, our butts are fine, and it is Tom doing most of the shearing anyway. But dang do the llamas look nice. And when I got on the link to send it to a friend, because believe you me, I'm telling everyone I can not to shop at so and so's-ha!, I read that they are great in the garden.
So, I took them outside and can you imagine the cutting power of these babies on grass? Geez, if they can cut through that crap in the wool, grass and dandelions along the fence line is like butta, baby, butta! And the best thing about it was that I wasn't polluting the air with a weed whacker. I did go a little crazy and now the grass along the dog yard looks like it got a bad hair cut from Mom back in the sixties....
Well, I guess you get the point, if you're looking for either garden or llama, sheep or goat shears these are the ones. Spring action, self sharpening, yes you read that right engineers, I don't really get it, but it says it does it...They are the best. Oh, I do have one critique...they could use a "petite" size.
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