This is a response to my fellow author BA’s post “The Answer is Blowing in the Wind” issued on August, 19, 2009. I could not put this in the comment section with her as there was too much to talk about when it comes to Grand Rapids, Michigan! Please see the links listed for more information.
An initiative by the City of Grand Rapids has been in place since 2005. Since than many things have occurred!
The newly renovated Grand Rapids Public School buildings or newly built schools have went greener (Some getting LEED certification)- Click HERE for more info. Businesses have been doing the same.
We have the nations first LEED Certified:
YMCA - Link
Art Museum - Link
Multi-modal transit center - The Rapid Link
Other Firsts - Click Here
We also has more LEED-certified buildings per capita than any other city in the U.S. and we are third overall. Grand Rapids currently has 1 Platinum, 8 Gold, 11 Silver LEED Certified buildings (49 total) and with a total Registered Project list of 101 Buildings/projects. LEED Certified Projects (Type in Grand Rapids, Michigan)
Grand Rapids ranked 20th on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) list of cities with the most ENERGY STAR qualified buildings in 2008. At last count had 42 ENERGY STAR qualified buildings within it's greater metropolitan area. More Info
Our public transit has also went green with hybrid-electric buses. HERE you can read about the Green Grand Rapids initiative.
The City of Grand Rapids, MI has also reached its goal of having a 20 percent renewable energy supply - Read More
The City of Grand Rapids is among the first municipalities in the United States to begin using a new trash can liner made with 70 percent post-consumer recycled (PCR) material. The PCR content in the Greencore Can Liners™ far exceeds plastics industry goals, reducing the carbon footprint by as much as 40 percent. Link to story
Grand Rapids, MI Renewable Energy - More Info
The City of Grand Rapids Waste Water Treatment Plant (GRWWTP) is one of only 15 platinum level members nationwide of the National Biosolids Partnership in Environmental Management Systems and is currently finalizing the new dewatering system for biosolids. More
Grand Rapids is a Member EPA's Green Power Partnership The Top Rankings-Local Government
There is a lot more to Grand Rapids’ commitment to the environment, but it is time to let others shine as well! They deserve kudos for the work they have done and plan on doing!
As a side note here is a link to a Popular Science article on the 50 greenest cities in the United States. Unfortunately, Grand Rapids did not make this list.
I am proud of this city and I hope more cities will follow suit or at least set a good example for others! Again, I ask our dear readers the question that BA asked: To what extent is your own state addressing alternative energy sources such as wind energy?
Websites where this information was located:
City of Grand Rapids
Sustainable GR
Grand Rapids Public Schools
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
State of Michigan
Integrated Architecture
U.S. Green Building Council – West Michigan Chapter
My Midwest Magazine (Article was written in January of 2008)
U.S. Green Building Council – Build Green Schools
Popular Science
NOAA carries a two century legacy of America’s first government science
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