It started with a triangular plot of grass covered with newspapers, cardboard, and a thick layer of leaves and grass. Then came winter. After the snow melted and the spring weather made itself at home, we had a pile of topsoil delivered.
Next: spread the topsoil, adding a layer of compost on top. We're building up rather than digging down this year. I'll let you know how it works.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Memorial Day Weekend = planting time!
Posted by Daisy at 3:26 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
A day late and a dollar short
Labels: camping, environment, nature, Royal Ranch
Posted by Judy Jeute at 11:22 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 24, 2010
tomato, tomahto
Here it is as it looked last week; my new tomato plot. A plain triangle, a few grass clipping layered over a little compost.
We covered the area with cardboard and newspaper last fall, outlined it with a few posts and spare boards, and let nature do its job over the winter. Our neighbor (the owner of the Huge Woodpiles) gave us the boards we needed to border the plot and support what will become a raised bed of a good soil mix. Next: we're getting dirt delivered. Chuck called a few places and found one that would deliver with a small enough truck to drive into the yard and dump the soil right where we need it. We'll mix it with compost (homemade, of course!), till the whole thing, and then get ready to plant during Memorial Day weekend!
I'm crossing my fingers that the weather holds (it's hot and muggy today), and planning to work like crazy on progress reports so I can play in the dirt all weekend without guilt.
Yes! It's garden time at Daisy's house!
Labels: compost happens naturally, Daisy, gardening
Posted by Daisy at 6:43 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Double Agent Judy
For us, it was a matter of choice in a way, the only one that made sense anyway. We had already taken advantage of all of the assistance through our mortgage companies, we make too much to qualify for public assistance (which I'm not sure I'm comfortable with anyway), so to get caught up on our bills, something had to give and that was the grocery money. We may not have any money, but I do have time, so that is what I gave. And now I know the reason all of this has happened, I am exactly where I am supposed to be.
Remember that odd sadness for our country that I told you about? Well, that is called empathy, and yeah, it has taken me a long way in my new job. The first timers are easy to pick out, because they usually either are crying, or have just wiped the tears away as I had done when I walked in the first time. Then you have the regulars, like the little old man that was so concerned when I was sick one week, that he practically ran back to the kitchen with a grin when I returned to tell me how much he had missed my smile!
The other volunteers have become great friends of mine as well. I feel as if a couple of them are people that were put in my path for a reason and are on the same wavelength as I am, so to speak. To hear the stories of how people ended up in the positions we have all ended up in, is simply amazing. From freaks of nature, like repetitive strikes of lightning last year on one guys ranch to traumatic health issues like Agent Orange that have tainted an entire household, people have arrived on the food bank doorstep for many reasons. But many, many of us are there wanting to give back all that we take plus much more, and that is a common and strong bond.
I purposely chose to write this post on a day that I write on both GSO and at home at the Royal Ranch, because I know how many people this might affect. And do you know how I know that? Because ever since people have found out that I work/go to the food bank, each week I have sent someone new in there. That is also why I will no longer be a double agent, demand is so high, we need to move some volunteers to Thursday, so today will probably be my last Tuesday. That's right, demand for our little food bank is so high we are growing each and every day we are open. Most days there is a line waiting for us to open.
A couple more things I would like to add. To me this is "green living" at it's fullest. Our biggest suppliers are Whole Foods, Target, Kings and Safeway. So we are taking the day olds from stores that would be throwing them away and passing them along to people who really need them. Now this to me is the kicker, it is all really healthy food. Food that I could not afford, even in the best of times, to feed my family. Lots of organic foods and soy and tofu and a variety of produce that you literally would find at Whole Foods. I mean really nice stuff, and then anything that we don't use, gets taken back down the mountain to the homeless shelters. Again, to me this all seems like a very environmentally responsible way of dealing with the stores' castoffs.
Now, a word of caution, or possibly defense, I don't know. There are different types of food banks out there. If it is a food pantry that relies entirely on donations from the community, that is a little different in my opinion, and should only be used for those with the utmost need (and by all means use it if you need!). But if there is a pantry like ours, that receives donations from stores, it is well worth checking out, who knows you may make the difference in another persons day, or even life. Now go make a double agent miracle today, I plan to.
Labels: economy, green living, organic, Royal Ranch
Posted by Judy Jeute at 8:26 AM 1 comments
Monday, May 17, 2010
The Old Bunny Hutch
Our first set of pet rabbits lived in this hutch. They ate and slept in this hutch, enjoyed the fresh air, and snuggled up together at night. By day they often played in the rabbit run, a construction of PVC pipe and chicken wire that kept them safe from the neighbor dogs while they nibbled on their grass. Watership Down fans, we called it "silflay". When winter came, we had an alternate living quarters in the basement that we called their winter condo. Now our bunnies are house pets: they use a litter box, sleep under our beds, and greet us when we come home from work. So what to do with the hutch? It's currently full of gardening tools and supplies, but it's really rotting and falling apart. Finally, after so many years, much of the old bunny hutch turned storage space is going to end up in a dumpster; the construction dumpster for our home renovation. That which is suitable may become garden walkways, but not much is still useful.
It's okay. All good things come to an end. The dirt underneath will become home to -- shall we predict? -- more rhubarb or raspberries!
Labels: Daisy
Posted by Daisy at 6:07 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
A Mother's Day of Recycling
Labels: environment, green living, recycling, Royal Ranch
Posted by Judy Jeute at 1:27 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 10, 2010
After the storm
Labels: Daisy
Posted by Daisy at 6:27 AM 2 comments
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Identifying Nature's Wonders!
Hello Readers! I need your help! I have some photos that I took that I have not shared due to the difficulty I am having identifying the subjects! I would love it if our readers would help me identify these creatures so I can put the proper names for them in our slide show! Remember that these photos were taken in Michigan in case you want to look up a species for identification.
One of my main things is to go outside and just take pictures of the interesting things I see or wildlife found. I have hundreds of photos like this. This first photo is of a butterfly that was resting on the trunk of a tree (Photo taken July 10, 2009), notice the coloring of the wings and the bark are similar if I hadn't seen it land I probably never would have noticed it there:
Labels: animals, Authors, education, environment, identification, Identifying Nature's Wonders, Khrys, learning, nature, wildlife
Posted by Khrys at 12:17 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 3, 2010
Seed Inventory!
Plenty of beans! Pole beans (green), bush beans (wax, yellow), all set to produce beans in Green Bay Packer colors just in time for the NFL preseason. Don't judge me; the NFL draft just concluded. Not that I need a reason to think about Packer football, mind you.
Peas! I bought two kinds; sugar snap and one other. I've only grown sugar snap peas successfully, and those only once. What's the major difference? Can anyone tell me?
Carrots: I don't usually plant carrots because our backyard is such a hard, clay-based soil. But after ten years of tilling compost into it, the garden plot now turns easily. Easily enough to grow carrots? We'll see. No matter what, my bunnies enjoy the greens.
Squash: I have one packet of summer squash (zucchini) and one packet of neck pumpkins from City Slipper. That should be plenty for my small garden.
Lettuce: two types, could use more.
Herbs: already started thyme and basil indoors, can start the oregano later. Or sooner, if I end up with another egg carton.
Flowers: a few, courtesy of's variety pack. I'll plant the Shasta Daisies (of course!) as soon as I find a special place for them.
Tomatoes: started two kinds from seed, with more coming from a school fundraiser. Next challenge: get the new tomato plot ready.
So ... what do I need? Spinach, a couple more kinds of lettuce, and that's all. I'm quite well prepared for planting. Now if I could prepare as well for report cards, the end-of-school year madness, our remodeling project, health care reform, the fall midterm election, my children's upcoming graduations, and subsequent plans, I'd be set for life. Uh-huh.
At least the garden planning is in place.
Labels: Daisy, gardening, sustainability
Posted by Daisy at 6:35 AM 1 comments